03.20.02 -
Well kiddies, we finally decided to make the website. We have lots goin on now so let me break it down for ya.
Our first show here at Pheasant Run went extremely well. Had about 150 people show up to see us and the Davies. A BIG thanks to those cats for letting us use thier phat gear. We will definately play with several more times before summer.
Check out photos of the festivities in the
Our demo is in the works and should be good to go by 4/10. We plan to have about 7-9 songs on it depending on how the ones we are writing now work out. Look for mp3's from that mug on our Music section comming soon.
Theres talk of playing 3 more parties next month some with the Davies, some w/o, so those dates will be in our Shows section just as soon as we nail em down.
We are still looking for a permanent drummer, but for right now John G is the man on the demo. If only we could clone him we'd be set, but until that day comes we'll just keep hanging up fliers.
Thats all for now. Check back frequently as we get this mother off the ground, cause gfa is here for one reason and one reason only... to rock you like a hurricane. Peas. - Bran
- What up people. Thought I'd update the News as we are about half way through the demo. A few technical difficulties (mainly John's cold) have slowed us down, but we have decided to include 8 songs plus one "Super Hidden Bonus Track (probably track 9)" that will be sure to lay the smack down. We are still hoping to get the demos ready for the 4/10 Davies show, so come on out to mainstreet and get your free copy. Then come to our show on Liberty Street on 4/19(?), check us out, and watch Johnmarr get drunk and sing a song. I heard rumors of a prize to be given out at our 4/27 Pheasant Run show as well. It's free fun for the whole family and your sister's kids too, so come on down and don't forget your socks cause I promise you they will be rocked off.
We still have no drummer lined up, but we are talking to some peeps. We may need to recruit the mighty and all powerful Ben Reynolds again. I completely forgot to thank him in my last update, so Ben, I apologize and thank you for comming through for us and throwing rock at our first show. Very impressive for only having been to three practices.
A very special thanks to Jessica and Rachel for giving us airplay on WXJM. Everyone should listen to their show from 2am to 4am on Monday night/Tuesday morning and call in to keep them awake. Also a huge thanks to miss Jessica Borash for helping us out with the vocals to Richmond. You rock.
I think I'm done. Oh, one last thing... SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! We would like to know if our fans are actually looking at this site. We will put a counter on it soon, but that doesn't let us email you with updates about shows, site updates, ect. So let us know your there. Lata
- Have I got some news for you? Yes! I have news for you. The demo will be done TODAY! No exceptions. A total of 10 songs will be available on cd by this weekend. The cost.. nothing. If you want it you will have it. Email us and we will send you out a copy. Come by and we will give you a copy. Download our entire demo from MP3.com (available soon). We don't need no stinkin cash. We do it ourselves and I have a sweet job at Best Buy so we can afford the 20 cent cds. More news!
I love Rachel. I love Jessica. I love Rachel and Jessica. Because they let me play the whole demo (minus 1 song) on WXJM, Harrisonburg last night. It was their last show of the semester and we did it up right with 6 people + 1 dog in the booth. It was so much fun.
I will be traveling to NY to see the girl of my dreams next weekend. I will bring many cds so I can distribute them at Binghamton University. Then I will drive to Philladelphia and give the people that look cool a cd. Then John Gilmore and Andrew Diego are driving to Florida and giving cds out from Jacksonville to the Keys. The East Coast will hear GFA!
- Join the Yahoo Grounds for Anything Group at:
Post messages, vote for your favorite song, and check out the calendar.
- Good news! GFA has found their drummer. His name is ::sigh:: ..Johnathan. But we will most likely refer to him as Butters from now on. The dude was in a death metal band before GFA and is insanely talented. It will be interesting to see how our sound developes as we are a now a mix between rock, emo, ska, punk, funk, and metal. I can't wait till we start writing some new songs. More news..
The demo release party was a success. About 80 people showed up and almost everyone left with a cd. We have given out about 200 so far and will continue to do so on our trips to NY, PA, and FL. And remember, it's all free, so just send us an email to get your free copy of the 10 song demo.
Things are going really well for us. Theres talk of playing Mainstreet Bar and Grill, Harrisonburg in about a month. We also plan to play Roanoke with the Davies and possibly Richmond before summer's end. Check out the shows section as we should have a few dates posted shortly. And don't forget, the one I got you gotta get it put it in you. Peas.
05.08.02 - Just a quick update. Some people are under the impression that our Demo was done in a studio. Unless my living room is considered a studio, this is not the case. However, my Boss BR-532 did a great job, and I am gonna help out the Davies and record a few songs for them with it. On that note, if you are in a band and would like to get a decent quality, low cost demo, give me a call. Look in the CONTACT section for my info. Later.
05.14.02 - Ok, here we go.
On Tuesday, June 4th Grounds For Anything will be playing Mainstreet Bar and Grill, Harrisonburg. Then on
Wednesday, July 3rd we will be participating in Mainstreet?s Battle of the Bands. But now I gotta ask a favor.
Nothin big, just a small little request. Come see us!! We need as many people as possible cheering us on so we
can advance and get a crack at the $2,000 grand prize. It will be 5 bucks for big kids and 8 bucks for smaller
kids, and I promise you we will make it worth the change. We are practicin like madmen these next few weeks and
plan to rock the hell out of that little bar. We are also in the process of getting shows at Smith Mountain Lake
and prolly Charlottesville. So come back in a bit and check the SHOWS
section to be in the know.
- We are now on MP3.com.
You can download all 10 songs from the demo.
- John Marr finally updates his corner.
- Andrew Diego's Birthday! Happy Birthday Andrew!
- Rock on wit yo bad self. GFA won their first round of Battle of the Bands! Thanks to everybody who came out to support us. We had a blast! We've got a show next Tuesday at Mainstreet so come out and get your groove on. If you want a ticket see one of us or go to Plan 9, Harrisonburg. Then be sure to check back in as we get more shows and possibly some new Mp3's up. Oh yea, its John Gilmores Birthday! Happy Birthday John!
- Ground For Anything will be playing Mainstreet Bar and Grill on Saturday, the 29th and again on Septemper 11th. If you like rock come out and get you some.
- Ground For Anything won their Semi-Final round of Mainstreet Bar and Grill's Battle of the Bands in Harrisonburg, VA. Thanks to everyone that made it, especially the out of towners than drove in just for the show. The Final round is on August 28 at Mainstreet. Come support GFA!! (Andrew says you'll receive treats.)
- Hi again. Not much to say accept we've got another show at Mainstreet this Tuesday the 30th with Zen City Radio. I bet you will like them. And then the Wednesday after that is August 7th, the second round of Battle of the Bands!! See ya